Additional Practice is the workbook of the program. It provides practice after every lesson to build proficiency and confidence.
Note: Two books (A and B) for each grade correspond to the two halves of the school year. Soft cover.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Numbers to 10
1A: Count
1B: Compare Numbers
1C: Number Bonds
Chapter 2: Addition Within 10
2A: Make Addition Stories
2B: Ways to Add
Chapter 3: Subtraction Within 10
3A: Make Subtraction Stories
3B: Ways to Subtract
3C: Compare Numbers by Subtraction
Chapter 4: Numbers to 20
4A: Count to 20
4B: Compare and Order Numbers
Chapter 5: Addition and Subtraction Within 20
5A: Addition
5B: Subtraction
Chapter 6: Addition and Subtraction Word Problems
6A: Part-Whole Problems
6B: Comparison Problems
Chapter 7: Length
7A: Compare Lengths
7B: Measure Length